The Vital Force
The Vital Force is the intelligent, organizing principle that gives life to an organism. When I work with a client I pay very close attention to signs and symptoms that can reveal the state of the person’s vital force. When trained, it is not very difficult to perceive the vital force because it is present at every level of the human organism – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. What is the person’s level of vitality? How does he/she feel when first waking up? Does the person wake with lots of energy and enthusiasm or does it take a long time to get moving? How does a person respond to cold weather? Is there enough internal vital heat to keep the person’s extremities warm? How does the person express emotions – are they vibrant and emotive or dull and muted? A person with a strong vital force who becomes sick will usually develop strong symptoms to fight off the illness, while a person with a weaker vital force will usually be unable to mount much of a response. These are just a few examples of how a homeopath might evaluate the state of a person’s vital force.
Homeopaths view the vital force or vital self from the place of highest respect and reverence. The vital force is understood as an invisible power that does not take up space yet it pervades the entire organism. Our universal observation is that in every circumstance, in every manner and in every individual, the vital force is doing the very best it can to manifest the highest state of balance and health. If a person has asthma or arthritis, a homeopath does not think, “there is a disease in the lungs how can I cure the lungs?” or “there is a disease in the joints, how can I cure the joints?” We think, “how can I support the vital force – that which is present throughout the organism, the energetic source of life – so that it may manifest a new level of balance”. In fact, since the vital force is doing the best it can to manifest balance, homeopaths recognize that simply stopping the symptoms of a condition with suppressive medication will usually compromise the vital force further and lead to disturbance at a deeper, more primary level. You can learn more about this principle by reading about the key term SUPPRESSION.
The homeopathic method does not seek to impose healing from the outside. It does not seek to impose a powerful substance to impose it’s own will upon the organism. Rather, in my practice I seek to apply the gentle energetic vibration of a potentized homeopathic remedy to support your invisible vital force at its own level to bring about healing for your entire being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Homeopaths view the vital force or vital self from the place of highest respect and reverence. The vital force is understood as an invisible power that does not take up space yet it pervades the entire organism. Our universal observation is that in every circumstance, in every manner and in every individual, the vital force is doing the very best it can to manifest the highest state of balance and health. If a person has asthma or arthritis, a homeopath does not think, “there is a disease in the lungs how can I cure the lungs?” or “there is a disease in the joints, how can I cure the joints?” We think, “how can I support the vital force – that which is present throughout the organism, the energetic source of life – so that it may manifest a new level of balance”. In fact, since the vital force is doing the best it can to manifest balance, homeopaths recognize that simply stopping the symptoms of a condition with suppressive medication will usually compromise the vital force further and lead to disturbance at a deeper, more primary level. You can learn more about this principle by reading about the key term SUPPRESSION.
The homeopathic method does not seek to impose healing from the outside. It does not seek to impose a powerful substance to impose it’s own will upon the organism. Rather, in my practice I seek to apply the gentle energetic vibration of a potentized homeopathic remedy to support your invisible vital force at its own level to bring about healing for your entire being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.